Hours & Directions

Ed Pickett Memorial Hall

RATE: $1000 per day (8:00 AM - 1:00 AM)
Capacity 400 people
30 - 8' rectangle tables with 300 chairs

Kitchen with stove and oven, microwave and refrigerator. Mens and Women's restrooms. A/C and Heat. 110v power only.

One half (1/2) of the rental ($500) is required in order to secure your date. Non-Refundable if you cancel but can be rescheduled up to one year from original reservation.
Clean Up/Damage fee $600 in cash is due before event. This fee may be refunded if everything is left clean and there is no damage to the facility or the equipment that comes with your rental.

If you will be consuming alcohol you are required to get security through GCF&R. Two (2) officers for a minimum of 4 hours at $40 per hour per officer ($320 minimum) unless it is a holiday weekend then it is $50 per hour per officer ($400 minimum). Quinceneras will require a minimum of 3 security officers for the first 200 people and one additional officer for every 150 people thereafter.
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